Monday, October 27, 2014

NaNoWriMo Countdown 5 days

To the Captain of the King’s Guard, Phaius,

Captain, I hope that this letter finds you prepared for things unimaginable. Britten has certainly gotten worse than I suspected in the short time that I have been away. I hope that he is the only one exploring the use of this blood magic, but our experiments have never been a secret.

Mages fighting each other might seem appropriate to you, but I tell you it is the opposite. If I were to confront my brother magically it would go in his favor. My magic is one of preparation and time, his is impulsive and violent. Magic is meant to help and heal, not for combat. My brother’s perversion is just that and I cannot help you other than to give advice.

Educate all of your men. Do not stand in any patterns on the ground, no matter how innocent looking. Pebbles in a line are likely some sort of magical device. Anything that looks like blood should be scattered from its original position to disrupt the magic it is weaving. Once you see my brother you will need to close in on him. He will likely have a few wards on his person.

I would keep him talking, he loves to rant about his achievements, but don’t allow your men to stop looking for his patterns.

I wish you God-speed and many blessings Captain. He gave us this gift and my brother has turned it into a curse. May the Lord be on your side in all things.

High Consul of the Court,


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