To the High Consul of the Court, the Mage Jennan,
My friend, it is never an easy thing to write to someone
about the death of a family member, but I think you will allow me a little joy
in telling you that your brother Britten is dead. Captain Phaius has written to
tell me that he destroyed the tower while he was still in it, and that only
after they had dug him out and destroyed any wards still on his being were they
truly satisfied. I fear however, that this magical feud is not over. What a sad
beginning to such an amazing blessing.
Jennan, I urge you to bring your family and establish
yourself in the court once more. The
time for open experimentation is over. Our naivety has brought this upon
ourselves. Let us steward this magic with the best knowledge we have and establish
the regulations to keep ourselves away from the trap of madness which Britten
has fallen victim to. No more will we allow magic to run rampant through our
culture. It must be taught, it must be regulated.
Jennan, you must agree,
something must be done.
Sora sends her best wishes to you and your family and we
look forward to uniting our families once more. Let us establish a guild of
mages Jennan, let us lead magic where we need it to go, not react to where it
has taken us.
His majesty the King,