This world exists in tension, between heaven and hell, faith and fear, trust and doubt, relationship with God or denial of Him.
I have been listening to the radio lately, and no, not the Christian radio station. There are a few songs on the radio that speak to the sad and deep longing in the soul, but also to the desires of humanity to be able to do what they want. And those songs are haunting, and beautiful, and touch something inside of me. Life is the tension between what the world offers and what we have through salvation in Jesus Christ. Immediate desires versus our eternal lives in community with the Creator of the universe. What would make us think that the same God that created the world and all that we desire within it would make a heaven any less awesome?
Our salvation is not the end of the story. We aren't Disney Princesses where the curtain falls at the happily ever after. Salvation is our Happily Ever After moment, it guarantees our place in heaven with him. But after that moment, there are struggles and fights, failings, faults, sins. The world is tempting, it's allures are designed to distract us. I do think however that we need to acknowledge our fears and failings, our doubts, our desires for the things in the world, the beauty that is around us. Maybe Christian music spends too much time taking about salvation and not enough time in minor keys, and mournful chords. We are allowed to be honest with God. He knows that we live in this tension and he has sent us The Holy Spirit, not to solve our problems, but to be our comforter, because we feel pain, and our encourager because we feel desire, fear, and doubt.
As I said, this isn't a new idea or thought, but we should strive to remember that life happens between salvation and righteousness. And even though it's messy, it's worth the struggle.
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