Sunday, September 21, 2014

Devotions: Life of Moses Exodus 2:11-25

2:23-25 “During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel – and God knew.”

I had a moment this morning when this verse just popped into my head, the verbs which were highlighted in my study this week, pulling me into a genuine ah-ha moment. God heard, remembered, saw and knew. He hears us, he remembers his promises, he sees us and he knows all of the circumstances that we are in. He is a God of the details and he knows us intimately. He hears and sees us, he remembers us and he knows our deepest fears and desires.

There have been times when I feel like the Israelite's feel, groaning and calling out to God. Don’t you see me? Don’t you see what is happening? Didn't you promise that you would be with me always? That you wouldn't give me more than I can bear? This passage acknowledges everything that I think the Israelite's might have been feeling.

Yes – I hear you. I hear your cry’s and groans as you suffer. I hear your distress and your pain. I hear every request and every cry for help.

Yes – I remember my promise to deliver you. I remember that covenant I made with Abraham, I remember that I told you I would bring you out from the oppression you are now suffering.

Yes – I see you. The burdens that you are carrying, the weight on your shoulders, all of those dead babies in the Nile, and the atrocities that have been committed against you.

Yes – I know you. I know how you were put together from dust. I know your father and your mother. I know that you desire freedom and a chance to raise your family.

But what about for me?

Yes – I hear you. I hear when you cry yourself to sleep because you think you aren’t good enough. Or when you are lonely. I hear your distress and your fears as you pray, out of desperation or joy. I hear you.

Yes – I remember my promise. I will never give you more than you can bear. I will be with you always, and you are my child. I will never leave nor forsake you and I am your salvation and your life.

Yes – I see you. I see that situation you are in, the stress you are under, the way your brow furrows, or the tears tracking down your face. I see you when you are alone or when you are surrounded by others.

Yes – I know you. I know the plans I have for you, I know where you came from and where you are going. I know why you act the way you do, and what you can become if you let me help you.

God is so awesome. He puts those four verbs in Exodus, and within it is wrapped another promise. I hear you, remember you, see you and know you. You are my child and I am your God.

And I am so grateful. 

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