This is not Moses’s finest moment. After spending 40 years
shepherding flocks and raising his own family, Moses is finally called to do
what he thought he was going to achieve 40 years earlier. You would think that
Moses would say “finally! I can’t wait to go back to Egypt and finish what I
started” or that he would understand that he is better prepared than ever to lead God’s people. Instead, when
God says, “okay Moses, its time” Moses says “Why me? Who should I say sent me?
What if they don’t believe me? But I’m not a great speaker and please send
someone else!!”.
wonder how many times I have uttered surprisingly similar thoughts or prayers to
God. “I see them Lord, yes, I know this is the opportunity you have prepared
for me to talk to them, I feel you Holy Spirit, you don’t need to push so hard,
but why does it have to be me? I’m awkward and strange! There will be
silence and I’m not prepared, I don’t know what to say! Why don’t you send
someone else?” Moses’s excuses and failures are echoed by my own. I am
terrified of what God wants from me sometimes. He asks me to achieve things
that I know are above and beyond myself.
But God
never asks us to do them alone. God tells Moses right off in Exodus 3:12 “But I will be
with you”. Moses was never told: “Go and free my people, I’ll be here on my
mountain, bring them here when you are done.” God knew that the task he was
appointing for Moses was beyond Moses’s ability. That was the point! No man can
accomplish God’s will. Only God can accomplish God’s will. We are blessed that God chooses to use us to accomplish his will!
time that I am confronted by a situation for which I do not feel fully
equipped, I just need to remember that if it is in God’s will and according to
His purpose then he will be with me. God is the one who will accomplish
His will. I just get the opportunity to be a part of it.